Notice of Annual General Meeting – 30/11/23

CurtinUniHCEvents, News

Notice is hereby given that we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM) from 6:30PM, Thursday the 30th of November at the Eastman Lounge, Perth Hockey Stadium. Formal notice and a nomination form for Executive committee and general committee positions can be found here:

The AGM is pivotal to continue the smooth functioning of our club towards a successful future. All members who would like to be involved in setting the future direction of the club are encouraged to nominate for a committee position.

All nominations must be made to the Secretary ( and must include the consent of the nominee. In the event of no written nominations being received ahead of the AGM then nominations may also be made from the floor during the AGM. Should only one member nominate for a position then that person will be elected to that position.

It is expected that the elected club Executive will continue to review strategic opportunities next season as part of running our club, so invite our membership to engage in a Q and A as part of the AGM general business.