Hi All Pirates,
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Curtin University Hockey Club (Inc), will be held at 6.30pm on Wednesday November 30th 2022, in the Eastman Lounge, Perth Hockey Stadium.
The AGM is pivotal to continue the smooth functioning of our club towards a successful future. All members who would like to be involved in setting the future direction of the club are encouraged to nominate for a committee position. Nomination form can be found here.
Nominations for these positions should be provided in writing, not less than 28 days prior to the meeting, on the nomination form below (by November 2nd 2022). The nomination must be made to the Secretary (sec@cuhc.org.au) and must include the consent of the nominee.
In the event of no written nominations being received then nominations may also be made from the floor during the AGM. Should only one member nominate for a position then that person will be elected to that position.
Committee positions to be filled at the AGM are as follows:
Office Holders:
- Club President
- Club Vice President
- Club Secretary
- Club Treasurer
Committee Members:
- Teams Director
- Membership and Recruitment Director
- Curtin Liaison
- Events Director
(Please note: for Curtin University affiliation two Committee members must be current Curtin University Students or Staff)
Club members wishing to nominate for the following Sub Committees please advise the Committee in writing:
Operations Sub Committee:
- Governance Coordinator
- Database Administrator
- Website Coordinator
- Sponsorship Coordinator
- Equipment & Merchandise Coordinator
Events Sub Committee:
- Fund Raising Coordinator
- Social Media Coordinator
- Clubroom Coordinator
Teams Sub Committee:
- Junior Coordinators (Boys & Girls)
- Women’s Coordinator
- Men’s Coordinator
- Master’s Coordinator
- Umpiring Coordinator
Our ability to maximize your experience of playing at the club is proportional to the volunteer base running the club, so if you feel like you are able to contribute in any way, please do put your hand up. If you are interested in finding out more about any of these roles, please reach out to myself or loraine at pres@cuhc.org.au or sec@cuhc.org.au
Thomas Reid
Curtin University Hockey Club
0400 662 660