Hi All Pirates,
It was great to see a strong crowd and a full Eastman Lounge to celebrate the 350th Premier League game milestone for Rhys Angwin. Especially pleasing was the presence of life members and former players who made the effort to come down and celebrate the achievement. We are back in the Eastman Lounge this weekend for a club function!
Pensioner Party @ PHS
Join us for an evening of fun and frivolities at Perth Hockey Stadium (Eastman Lounge). Our theme for the evening is Pensioners at PHS so we want to see your best grey wigs, Zimmer frames, high pants and saggy…. earrings. There will be a prize for best dressed!
Throughout the evening we will be running several fundraising activities for the club including the coin-toss bottle and a live number raffle with plenty of great prizes. All proceeds to go directly back into our club to make it bigger and better than ever.
PHS will be running a cash bar, we’ll organise some pizzas to keep everyone fed (let us know of any dietary requirements) and we’ll keep the music pumping till late so everyone can shake out those stiff hips and have a good time!
Please pre-purchase tickets here to ensure we can adequately cater the event!
Bunnings Fundraiser
This Sunday the 28th we have our first Bunnings Fundraiser for the season. Fundraising like this is vital for us to be able to keep fees as low as possible, so we really do need the support of club members to make these a success. The expectation is that each team has at least two volunteers each fundraiser where fixturing allows. We are still on the lookout for 7 helpers to fill 2 hour slots over the day, so if you are available please put your details in the sheet found here.
Curtin Uni Games Nationals
Calling all Curtin Students! UniSport National are being held on the Gold Coast 25-29th of Septemberthis season. Team nominations close with Unisport Australia on the 31st May, so Curtin need to hit minimum squad numbers by then to ensure teams are able to be nominated. This also includes students paying the $250 deposit.
EOIs and deposit payment can be made here. Trials will be held in July. Deposits will be refunded to any EOI’s who not make the final team, or if the team does not travel due to insufficient numbers.
For more information or any questions please reach out to Janice @ curtinliaison@cuhc.org.au
Support to Imports
We are looking for some generous club members to support our Premier League import players time here in Western Australia, with both accommodation and transport needs. While accommodation is largely in hand, the club will also provide support for any club member who is able to lend use of a car for the period June through September, with CUHC able to contribute funds to cover 3 months of registration. If you are able to assist in any way, please reach out to pres@cuhc.org.au
Junior Coaching
We are on the look out for players to assist with coaching our year 9 girls on Monday afternoon’s, 4-5PM PHS2. Why not share the role between yourself and your teammates. If you are able to assist, please get in touch with juniors@cuhc.org.au