Entertainment Books 2018 / 2019

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We are so excited that we are launching the NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Memberships soon! Order now so you can take advantage of Early Bird Offers, while they last. Good news is the Entertainment Digital Memberships ONLY, are going to be available from 10 April, so you can take advantage of getting them before the school holidays. Order the NEW 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Book or Entertainment Digital Membership and you will receive hundreds of valuable offers for everything you love to do, and you will also be supporting our fundraising. PLUS, order now to receive over $180 of bonus Early Bird Offers (hurry, these sell out quickly).

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The Entertainment Book is great value for such a low price. There are a lot of savings I get back instantly. It more than outweighs the original price. There is something for everyone casual, fine dining, adventure and family. I couldn’t live without it.” – Susan L

Curtin University Hockey Club
Jackie Stacey