Message from the President

CurtinUniHCJuniors, Seniors, Uncategorized

To all Club Members and Friends


Junior players

I would like to ask all club members who have children who are the right ages for Hookin2Hockey to register with CTP so we can start to rebuild for the future.
If you know any other children that would like to play aswell, that would be fantastic.

Please contact me if you are interested at


Curtin University Re-affiliation

The Curtin University re-affiliation is progressing along and we will keepyou all informed. We met on Friday with Curtin Uni to set up our ideas and goals forour strategic plan moving forward.
To Carl Celedin, Mandy Symons & Dennis Reid, thank you for putting your hands up to help us with this. It is most appreciated.



Hopefully you are all out there at your pre-season having lots of fun!


First Social Event – Saturday 16/4/16

Prov & Metro & Masters commence (so come down after your games)
Pirate Party & Wine Tasting Function
Put this date in your diaries.


Happy Easter to you all and good luck for the start of the season.


Elspeth Denning

President, Curtin Trinity Pirates